Thursday, June 28, 2007

Yes, I Suck

For fun tonight, Killaine & I entered one of the "Big Chop" paddle races. It's a fun, thursday night race for paddle boats of all types - surf skis, double kayaks, single kayaks, fast kayaks, slow kayaks and single and double outriggers. I took my kayak in the "long course" - about a 9 or so km course from False Creek through English Bay to Siwash Rock off of Stanley Park - and back.

Here's the rough route:

It was pretty hard paddling, though the water was pretty flat tonight.

At the very end of the race, I found that I had finished ... last.

Yup, there's always someone at the back of the pack, and I got to experience that tonight! In my defense, I'll definitely say that I had one of the bigger kayaks there. But, hey, I covered alot of kilometers by boat in a short amount of time (about an hour and a bit), so it was still fun.

Oh, and for the $8 entry fee, I got the race, followed by a sausage barbeque, and I won a draw prize - a waterproof case for my camera!

Perhaps Killaine will write something about her first paddle race too!

1 comment:

Killaine said...

You were awesome! It's just that you have a big "man" boat, not one of those flimsly little fancy-ass boats!